Memory Distortion: What Really Happened in the Past?
Our memories ultimately determine who we are in the present; however, even our shared experiences are subjective, especially because such memories become distorted over time. But why does this happen in the first place?
Sans Forgetica: Could a font boost your studying?
An investigation into the effectiveness of Sans Forgetica, a font created to be intentionally difficult to read to engage readers and potentially improve recall ability.
Behavioral Economics: How Psychology Can Inform Other Fields
Picture this: Two economists are going on a leisurely stroll together when they stumble upon a one-hundred-dollar bill lying on the sidewalk. The two promptly walk past it without giving it much attention. One of the economists turns and says, “Did we just pass a $100 bill on the ground?” The other economist replies, “Of…
Fake News! A Cognitive Perspective on the Spread of Misinformation Among Older Adults
Social media has increased the spread of news–some truthful, and others less so–in recent years. Is this information consumed differently across different age groups? And how does its persuasiveness change across the lifespan?
Bayesian Reasoning: Navigation through Uncertain Decisions
Bayesian Reasoning: What is it and how can it help our decision-making? In this article, we explain the Bayes’ Theorem, discuss contexts where bayesian reasoning is important, and review research on how to improve one’s bayesian reasoning.
Getting Meta about Metacognition
In this article, I explain how we evaluate our own learning and knowledge, also known as metacognition, and why our metacognition can sometimes go awry.
The Cognitive Abilities of Crows
Crows have long been portrayed as uniquely intelligent birds, but how much of this is based on fact? Studies have revealed that crows possess remarkable cognitive abilities, with a recent report suggesting that they may even have a form of consciousness.
Memory Malfunctions: A Discussion of Research on False Memory
Your memory may not be as accurate as you think. Decades of research on false memory have revealed several instances when memories can be inaccurate or even fabricated.
Flashcards: Are you using them effectively when learning?
Flashcards are often recommended as a way to help students prepare for exams. However, do students use this study tool in an effective way?
Out with the Old, in with the Older
Three septuagenarians are running for president. Does age affect the ability to lead?