Angela Duckworth and Long Term Goals
Here are a few of the mechanisms that help people be motivated
Celine Dion: “The Power of Love” or the Power of Dopamine?
Celine Dion I’m not sure about you, but when I hear Celine Dion belting out the last chorus of “My Heart Will Go On”, I seem to disconnect from reality and become totally immersed in a wave of emotion (one might even say that it’s a wave strong enough to sink a cruise ship). Although…
Everything You Need to Know about RDoC: Answers to 5 Commonly Asked Questions
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a frequently referenced manual of clinical diagnosis published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), has been called the “Bible” for the field of clinical psychology. Consistent with its prominent role in diagnosis and treatment considerations, research on mental health has traditionally focused on the DSM’s classification…
Improve creativity by working in a coffee shop
There seems to be an endless search for how to be more productive and creative in a shorter amount of time. Books, websites, and seminars preach all different techniques to accomplish more with less. The company Coffitivity is trying to do just that, but in a unique way.
The Truth about Domestic Violence: Literature Review
As more and more clients are entering therapy with concerns related to abuse, such as domestic violence incidents, it seems prudent to review how these issues might play a role in mental health and treatment. The facts on domestic violence are startling. Estimates by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Bureau of Justice, and Centers…