Getting Meta about Metacognition
In this article, I explain how we evaluate our own learning and knowledge, also known as metacognition, and why our metacognition can sometimes go awry.
Complimenting Kids: The Nuances of Praise
Paying a child a compliment can cost a lot more than you would think.
The Cognitive Abilities of Crows
Crows have long been portrayed as uniquely intelligent birds, but how much of this is based on fact? Studies have revealed that crows possess remarkable cognitive abilities, with a recent report suggesting that they may even have a form of consciousness.
Time Flies During a Pandemic: How Attentional Bias and Event Boundaries Impact Memory of 2020
Did time feel like it flew by last year? Find out why!
Learning Under Pressure: How Stress Alters Memory
The past year has been a uniquely stressful time for all of us. How does stress impact our ability to learn and form new memories?
How to get undergraduate research experience?
How to get undergraduate research experience and what else can you do to learn more about research
Older Adults Show Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways. Given the increased risk from COVID-19 in older populations, are older adults more affected by the changes and stresses of the pandemic?