What’s All the Buzz About Bayes?
For a practical example, imagine that one day while strolling around your house, you notice that your fine china display has been smashed into pieces. You suspect that a burglar broke into your home and destroyed your precious dishware. You figure doing a Bayesian hypothesis test could help you get to the bottom of what…
Cautions of Mediation
Wait, before you mediate! Make sure you don’t fall into this common trap of mediation analysis.
Do I Need to Know Statistics as a Psychologist?
Psychologists work with very interesting and complicated data. It is important that we are motivated to understand how to make sense of such information.
What is a Sampling Distribution?
Sampling distributions are one of the most concepts in statistics. This article introduces the basic ideas of a sampling distribution of the sample mean, as well as a few common ways we use the sampling distribution in statistics.
An Illustrative Guide to Statistical Power, Alpha, Beta, and Critical Values
Want to learn more about statistical power? What alpha actually is, or beta? And even what critical values represent? Look no further than this popular piece using illustrative examples to explain!
Mediating and Moderating Variables Explained
What is the difference between a mediator and a moderator?
Python for the Social Sciences: Toolkit Essentials
Why Py? Why should psychologists, or social scientists more generally, care about programming? The fact is anyone who uses softwares for data analysis relies on programming and many wonderful tools exist to give researchers improved control over their data for more efficient workflow. Although learning programming may seem an insurmountable task, with the right…
Odds Are: On the difference between odds, probability, and risk ratio.
Odds, Probability, Chance, Risks: Interchangeable?Not so much. What does it mean to say “smokers are X times more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers?” What about when the weather channel says, “there is a 10% chance of rain?” The odds of 1 to 10 of winning? These words are often used in casual conversations as…