Beyond Wandering: Mindfulness Unveils Mental Well-Being
Mind wandering is linked to psychopathological conditions, such as anxiety and depression, as it can contribute to rumination and negative thoughts. Mindfulness practices, on the other hand, aim to reduce mind wandering and have shown promise in improving mental well-being by promoting present-moment awareness and emotional regulation.
Internet and Teen Development with Dr. Kate Mills
Today ,we discussed the internet’s effects on adolescent development with Dr. Kate Mills.
Consciousness and Comas with Dr. Martin Monti
Today, we are joined by Dr. Martin Monti to discuss questions like what is consciousness and whether we are still conscious in comas.
The Evolution of Emotion with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett
On this episode, we are discussing emotions, what they are and why we have them with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Aging, Psychophysiology, and Clinical Psychology with Dr. Bob Levenson
Today, we talked Dr. Bob Levenson from UC Berkley about aging, psychophysiology, and dementia. We also talked about the future of clinical psychology!
Neuroscience and Policy with Dr. Brian Knutson
Today, we were joined by Dr. Brian Knutson, where we talked about neuroforcasting, neuroeconomics, and a variety of other subfields within psychology and neuroscience as well as their policy implications!
Spilling the Tea: The Psychological Benefits of Drinking Tea
Are you looking for a new drink to start your day? There are many different types of tea that offer a wide range of psychological benefits. When provided with the research, you can choose the teas that will offer the most improvements to your life.
Play at Home: Choosing Toys and Learning Activities for Young Children
Have you noticed that children will sometimes choose common household objects over store-bought toys? Here are some tips for choosing children’s toys and creating fun learning experiences with common objects around the house!
Hot and Cold Cognition
What is cognition? This post explores the broad domain of cognition and what it means to divide cognitive functions into “hot” and “cold” categories.
The Bad, The Ugly, and Trying to Find the Good: Problems and Solutions for Graduate Studies
Rejection. Imposter syndrome. Burnout. I’m sure we have heard of these feelings and experienced them at some point in our academic journey, but have we been willing to openly talk about these feelings and experiences with one another? We explore some common experiences graduate students face in graduate school and the steps we can take…