Do girls really experience conduct problems?
What do we know about girls who experience conduct problems? Despite being historically ignored by researchers and the general public, girls have unique risk factors for conduct problems and end up exhibiting different outcomes associated with their conduct problems as compared to boys.
How Friendships Can Reduce Racial Prejudice, and What Schools Can Do to Help
In today’s political climate, teachers nationwide have reported increases in conflict between students from different racial/ethnic groups. Helping kids form friendships across group lines may be the key to creating a more positive and affirming school environment.
Puberty and Psychopathology
How does being a pre-teen make us more at risk for mental illness? And why do some people come out of puberty with mental health concerns, while others don’t?
Teenage Brains and High-Stakes Situations
This article was authored by Pragya Arya and Danny Rahal as part of the 2018 pre-graduate spotlight week. Teenagers are notorious for being irresponsible and making bad decisions. Almost all of us have witnessed or bore the brunt of parents nagging kids to take “important” situations more seriously and work harder. TV producers and novelists…
Chronotype and Adolescence: Why being an “evening person” as a teenager is disadvantageous
Adolescents who are evening-types tend to report several negative outcomes on a variety of measures compared to their morning-type counterparts.
The Teen Sleep Epidemic: Biology and School Start Times
“It’s too expensive to start the school day later.” “Extracurriculars will suffer if we start school later.” “We shouldn’t coddle teens by pushing school start times.” These are just some of the arguments against later school start times for teens. Although the public has become increasingly aware of the sleep deprivation epidemic among teens in…
On Essena O’Neill, #fitspo, and the “real-ness” of social media.
Essena O’Neill, the former teen Instagram model made the decision to quit Instagram after growing disillusioned and unhappy with the staged nature of her social media presence. Before deleting her Instagram account, Essena recaptioned all of her photographs to reflect her true experiences when they were taken and posted.