Yoga Nidra: The Crucial Component of a Cognitive Boosting Routine
Non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) and Yoga Nidra are two trendy practices that are typically grouped together because they are both utilized to reduce stress, achieve deep relaxation, and induce sleep. In this blog post, I will outline the empirically demonstrated benefits and future potentials of Yoga Nidra.
Outreach Event: Thought Suppression vs. Mindfulness!
Irene Tung led the yellow jeep activity based on Wegner’s classic white bear psychology study! Infinity, pizza, spiders, shoes, pizza, iPhones, sleep, pizza, code names, iPads, games, pizza… When we asked elementary students to think about anything these were the responses. However, when we asked elementary students to think about anything but a yellow jeep, the…
The Neuroscience of Meditation
In 1992, the Dalai Lama invited an up-and-coming neuroscientist, Richie Davidson, out to Dharamsala, India to discuss the future of neuroscience research.